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The visitor / client, upon entering the spc-gr must agree and accept the terms of use. In case of non-acceptance of any terms of use, the use of the online store is prohibited.

Our online store may modify these terms of use at any time, for this reason visitors / customers have the responsibility to periodically check if any modifications have been made to these terms of use.

All of our products are checked before shipment. If however, an item due to material failure or inability to check, due to sealed packaging, presents a problem upon receipt, you can replace it with the receipt that you will find in your package.
In this case the return and replacement shipping costs will be ours. The product must be returned by the SAME shipping company you received it.

Return policy
Should the product not be returned in the next 2-3 working days then the STORE may not accept the return.

Please contact us in advance before shipping.

We strive to always have satisfied customers on our e-shop  with your purchases, therefore we have a technical department that will gladly assist you in any technical queries. Please feel free  to contact us should you need assistance whereby  we may find a solution to your problem.



All content on the website is the exclusive property of the ONLINE STORE and is protected by Cypriot and European copyright law. Therefore any copying in any way (analog, digital, mechanical, etc.) without the written permission of the owner of spc-gr is prohibited.


                MAKARIOU 25 - PAFOS - CYPRUS  

      Tel. 00357 - 26632163 Copyright 2004-2020 SPC

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